Our Team

Meet the Team

Meet the Board of Directors and Staff

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Todd Jones, Chairman

A few years ago, it was brought to my attention that a new foundation was being developed to serve others around the world. I was told about the vision and asked if I would be interested in being a part of it. For me it was a simple decision. I love helping others and giving back. But here being directly involved I would now know exactly where my time and money was going. Being able to be certain that every penny of mine and other donations was being used responsibly was very important to me. I would now be in a position to be a steward of the donor's money and make every dollar go as far as possible. I'm proud to say I believe we have accomplished that. I am so incredibly grateful to be a part of an amazing organization that in a very short time has been able to impact tens of thousands of lives.


Katie Thompson, Executive Director

When I was a young emerging reader I read a book about a young woman who volunteered with a global medical mission group. The story stuck to my heart and spurred a passion for volunteerism. I had no idea how or when I would have the opportunity to serve on a global level but I stayed active in my community. Throughout my young adult years I developed a passion for creating community, inviting people to my dinner table, and serving people in need of a “hand up”. When the position with the 7 Figure Foundation presented itself I saw my two largest passion points, community and volunteerism, come together in a beautiful way. My happiest days are when I can coordinate an event, bringing people together from across the country, to serve the people of the world. One of my favorite mottos is, “there’s room for you at our table”.


Beka Shea, Vice Chairman

Margaret Mead said, 'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.' This sentiment struck a chord with me, especially as I used to wait for the elusive 'enough'—enough time, enough resources—before I felt ready to give back. But I've realized that the perfect time simply doesn't exist. Waiting only means missed opportunities to help others. Motivated by this insight, I decided to join the board of a charity that I am truly passionate about, doing work that I am uniquely suited to do - boots on the ground, building with my hands, building relationships across the world. Today, not tomorrow, is the time to make a difference, focusing where I can have the greatest impact.


Sheila Erickson, Secretary

Serving others has always been a cornerstone of my life and values, both personally and as a family. We actively seek opportunities to connect with and give back to our communities, incorporating service into our plans several times each year. These experiences bring joy and fulfillment, especially when shared with the next generation, teaching them the true meaning of serving and fostering a legacy of compassion and generosity.

It’s a privilege to serve on a board alongside individuals who share these same values and believe deeply in the foundation’s mission. Together, we’ve built a supportive, like-minded community that feels like family—a priceless bond that strengthens the impact of our work.

Whether in my local neighborhood or across the globe, I’m grateful every day for the opportunity to give back and make a difference in the lives of others. Being part of this foundation and witnessing the collective power of service continues to inspire and energize me.


Joseph Druther

In Luke 12:48 Jesus said that to whom much is given, much is required. I have always had the belief that If I can do something to help, I should do something. Serving on the Board of the foundation has provided me an amazing opportunity to do just that. When I think back to the families whose lives will be forever changed by receiving a safe home, the children that don't have to sleep on the floor because we've given them beds, the lives of refugees that have literally been saved by the busses we were able to give, the immigrants in Chicago food deserts that will have access to food because of the gardens we were able to help build, and many other examples, I can't help but to feel truly honored and blessed. I serve alongside some of the most generous, kind, and sincere human beings on this board, and they impact me every time that I get to spend any time at all with them. I love being able to get my kids on these impact trips and be shown how blessed we truly are, and show them that we GET the opportunity to serve and give back from the abundance we've been blessed with. My hope is that they will catch the spark and have an even bigger impact because of what we were able to start with the foundation. Those are just a part of why I serve on the board of the foundation.


Ryan Whitefield

When I first learned about this foundation, I was attending a 3-day event. This organization immediately stood out to me and continued to impact me long after the event ended. Having the opportunity to support such a cause with a monetary donation is significant, but being able to serve alongside the amazing group of volunteers, forging lifelong friendships, is a tremendous privilege. Together, we are making a tangible difference in the lives of families and creating positive ripple effects throughout the communities that we serve.

Having witnessed the mission and the impactful work firsthand, my life has been forever changed. I am enthusiastic about contributing more and helping this foundation grow in any way I can.


Marcus Long, Fundraising Chair

When I retired from the military in 2022, I had a strong desire to ensure that I had still had a mission and purpose that included continuing to serve others. One of my favorite mantras is “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” When asked if I was interested in taking on a role in the organization, I knew that it was an opportunity to be the change that I wish to see in the world! My prayer is that whether it is my children, my local community, or those in the communities that we serve, my actions will provide a small spark of hope to those that are watching and will be a small ripple of kindness in which others will desire to emulate.

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Bob Miller, Finance Chair


Gaby Abreu

Upon arriving in the U.S., we received an immense amount of support from family and close friends. I can clearly recall the feeling of having our prayers answered. This experience sowed a seed within me. This seed flourished and grew my sense of purpose and strong desire to serve. I needed to serve in a capacity that was greater than myself, my family, and my community. This led me to enlist in the Army, where I served our nation for 22 years. As my service was coming to an end, I discovered real estate investing and became part of a remarkable community of investors and entrepreneurs. My passion for service was quickly recognized, and I am thankful for this foundation that provides me the chance to continue serving not just our community, but also our nation and our magnificent world. This journey is my way of expressing gratitude to everyone who has supported us throughout the years.